From time to time we get notes from the main office or from the counselors to pass to students in our classrooms. The goal is to communicate important details in a timely manner. But, sometimes these messages just don't stick. Nevertheless, whether they listen to the general announcements or not, a direct message is worth a shot.
Sometimes, students get notes from the deans indicating that students have committed a misconduct. Our deans really do a great job as enforcers of our school rules of conduct. Thanks in large part to the work they do, we have a fairly safe campus and thank God there have not been any incidents of fighting. As long as students don't cross the red line, they can be assured that they will be treated respectfully and fairly. But, when they do, they might garner a suspension.
And, sometimes students get penalties for not paying attention to their academic careers. But, no matter how much they trip, we teachers try to act as the safety net to keep them from failing. Also, holding back students from soaring and moving forward is the last thing we teachers want to do. I mean, we really do want to fully equip our students so that they do not graduate from DLSHS shorthanded.
When students are fully engaged in their learning, it is more than just the icing on the cake, it makes all the overtime we spend with students worth it!
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