Friday, April 24, 2015

(No) Fan of the Oxford Comma

After returning student essays, one particular student came forward to challenge me on a note I had made in his paper.  

"So, my English teachers said that you can do whatever you want in the future with regard to using commas in sentences," he said while pointing to my comment about the use of the Oxford comma.

I'm sure my fellow colleagues did not use those words in particular, so I had to carefully correct my student.  And, this was an opportunity to spread the wisdom in using the Oxford comma. 

For the sheer sake of understandability, the reduction of ambiguity, and consequently the clarity it affords, the Oxford comma makes sense.  To wit:

After I showed the student the above graphic, the idea of the Oxford comma seemed to get his gears turning.  Or, so I sense, hope, and pray ...

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Few Tips From The Fencing Club

From a recent Fencing Club ad on campus:

... Conduct I know a little about, and Kebabs make me hungry.  Seppuku wouldn't be a good idea, but Cheat Codes might be!  And, Mask Throw is a little cheap. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

What Do You Stand For?

We were bound to get some toilet humour on this blog sooner or later.  But, not perhaps the kind you are thinking of.  

In our present location, we are lucky to have an accessible restroom.  A curious poster adorns the wall behind the toilet.

I mean, as a male it's rather obvious ... isn't it?

There are some great virtues listed on that poster, but here's one that stands out to me.

For some reason when the poster prompts me as I'm doing what I need to do, I hear this man ...

... apparently the definition of Truthiness is ... "the quality of seeming or being felt to be true, even if not necessarily true."  God Bless Stephen Colbert!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Whiteboard Art: Brother ... Chris?

From time to time, faculty are called upon to substitute for another teacher.  At our school, we are fortunate enough to be compensated when we sub.  Not all school administrations are as generous!  As a teacher new to this community, I deeply appreciate the fact that our administrators do honour our time.  Sometimes, we teachers forget how fortunate we are.

It seems that whiteboard art is a common warmup activity for one such teacher I was called to sub for.  The class decided that I would be the subject of their artistry since I was the ... guest of honour?

Angry Brother Chris, FSC?

Hipster Mister Trinidad?

Retro Trinidad?

Hmmm ... I dunno?