My usual warm up routine includes a "Class G," or, greeter who stands at the door, and high fives or fist bumps students as they come in, a "Class DJ,", or disc jockey who plays a tune on our multimedia system as people are settling in (one caveat: the song selection has to be pre-1990s!). I teach students how to prepare class prayer, and they are affectionately known as the "Class P," and finally, one student is responsible for what I call the "J of the Day." These are corny jokes to get us laughing before we get on with the day's work. All of these little novelties are meant to lighten the mood, but also to affirm the humanity of "doing school." Human contact, music, sacred moments, and laughter ... every day is a party in Mr T's class!
Here's one student's J of the Day:
What happens when you eat yeast and shoe polish for dinner? Two possibilities:
1. You die; or,
2. Every morning, you'll rise and shine!