On Thursday, October 16, 2014 at exactly 2.10 PM, a plea over email to all hands went out. It read:
A nice image of an empty cardboard box accompanied the pleasantly worded email.
Exactly 25 minutes later, the very same day, a follow-up email with a huge clue was sent in response. The subject line said: "We need to look for a Chevy S10 pickup" ... the email read:
Sadly, no image of a Chevy S10 pickup accompanied this email clue. But, let me include a sketch here just in case you don't know what it looks like.
... wait, maybe that's not it. Let's try this one.
... and, here's what bubble wrap looks like up-close in case you've never seen bubble wrap before.
... and, here's what bubble wrap looks like on a roll ... you know, in case you're wondering.
... and, here's a random comic of people dancing on bubble wrap.
... maybe, this is what some faculty and staff decided to do ... have a little fun on a Thursday afternoon and perhaps they disposed of the evidence! After all, doesn't doing this bring us all back to our carefree childhood days?
Anyhow, I digress with this report. At least 12 hours went by, and still no sign of the missing bubble wrap. Another all-hands email went out with the following message:
... and, once again, accompanying that message was another pleasant image ... this time of Jimmy Kimmel in bubble wrap appearing on the Ellen show.
A whole weekend went by, and not a single sighting. So, the original email sender sent another call out, this time with a more detailed description of the kidnapping victim.
I think by adding the description, the height, and the fact that this particular bubble wrap from Staples is made from 30% recycled content (15% Post-Consumer Content and 15% Pre-consumer [PIRC] Plastic Recycle Content) ... I bet this will turn the corner in the ongoing investigation.
Meanwhile ... life went on at school. Nevertheless, the case of the missing bubble wrap clearly affected even those sending out announcements about upcoming field trips.
Slowly ... teachers lost interest. Their minds, like the 24 hour news cycle, clearly gravitated to other things like prepping for classes, grading papers, attending life-sustaining meetings, and ... wait for it ... wait for it ... wait for it ...
Teaching! |
UPDATE: On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 9.47 AM exactly 6 days and some 19 hours later, yet another email went out declaring that the case of the missing bubble wrap mystery was solved by our amazing head librarian!
And, a photo of the missing box and bubble wrap a little roughed up ...
Thank goodness, we did not have to go out to buy a whole new roll of bubble wrap to replace the missing one.
Still ... questions remain. Who would have dared to hide the missing bubble wrap in the first place? Why was it never returned to its proper place? Is all the bubble wrap accounted for? Is the bubble wrap actually "long-lasting" and more importantly is it really "reliable cushioning"?
Perhaps the case of the missing bubble wrap is not fully solved ...